Wednesday, April 4, 2012

That was a Weekend.

Thursday I had a doctor appointment because of UTI symptoms plus blood in my bowel movement. Interior hemorrhoid (no big deal) and my urine test was clean. I went home and progressively throughout the day starting getting intense cramping. DH and I went to his parents to say goodbye to visiting relatives and it was all I could do to not cry. I tried gas x and tums and nothing really helped. Galvin (to-be-Uncle) came to stay with me Friday and my doctor's office said go to the ER, it may be ectopic.

The ER was a full house, over 30 people in the waiting room including someone hacking their lungs out (and not always wearing a mask, nasty dude, nasty) and a girl who chopped her finger off. DU (dear Uncle) and DH went with me to the ultrasound they gave me and we saw the baby with a heart rate of 119. In the middle of the uterus. Viable. They then took us down to a room where a pediatrician told us Sub-Chorionic Hemorrhage. I had never heard of it and had no idea what to ask. They just said take it easy, lay down, don't lift. Bedrest, pelvic rest blah blah blah. And the "I don't believe in statistics," speech. Normally I don't believe in statistics either, if you tell me statistics say I am going to die or not get some weird disease, I will say f you. Someone is always on the small side of the statistic or it wouldn't be a freaking statistic. But when a doctor says he doesn't believe in them, I call your bullshit sir. That just means they don't want to bring you down.

Saturday, DH and I went to a follow up doctor appointment, errrrr, well we were supposed to. Whoever scheduled it forgot to put it in their computer. So we chatted with one of my favorite nurses there (she helped me a lot through my terrible anxiety states and gave me a shot in my ass, that is closeness right there). She said she doubted anything would be wrong, but they would review and call if they thought there was a problem. DH and I arrived home and slept more until ''ring ring'' you need to come in Monday for a blood draw (I found out later they thought it may be a molar pregnancy). I also received the report telling me how big my sch is, it is pretty darn large. About 16cm in volume of straight up blood. My baby is a mere half a centimeter right now. So I freaked out.

DU was on call Monday because my anxiety was through the roof. I decided to let him stay at home because I was going to sleep and he didn't need to be there to watch me sleep. I did however, ask him to bring me to my ultrasound on Tuesday morning. My anxiety was sky high and there was no way DH could get off work and I would survive alone (without a massive panic attack). DU came with me and they did a quick three minute ultrasound to check on the heartbeat. Now at 139! And I asked about the sch. The doctor said if I hadn't she probably wouldn't have even paid attention. There was no measurement taken because we didn't get a 3D ultrasound, but I am hoping it shrunk. Either way, it seems to be fairly good news.

Tuesday afternoon I had another doctor appointment and he did some adjustments to my ribs. Apparently my left side ones are pretty darn angry. I may have hurt them falling at some point and they don't lay (lie?) in the right position. But the baby looks good and I can exercise again. Except I am still taking it easy until I know the sch is gone. And today I feel like ass, bitter ass. Damn you morning sickness meets dehydration.

For now, Magoo is doing well. My next ultrasound is in a month and they will be checking for genetic problems (like a neck not developing for instance). Then another six weeks after that and we can find out if Magoo has girl or boy parts. Then a mere 22 weeks after that I can push this sucker out of me. Gosh it can't come fast enough.

I was very happy to learn my OB nurse hated being pregnant every time she was pregnant. I was worried I was the only one who isn't going to enjoy this process.

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