Fast forward to Saturday: We had to go to my in-laws because my DH needed to drive his Dad to the airport to pick up his (DH's) half-sister. This made me extremely angry because I never get to see DH and it meant I had to spent a few hours alone at my in-laws house a day after being in the hospital and feeling super shitty. Then the entire family came over, the TV was turned up loud enough that I am pretty sure the neighbors could hear it. All I wanted was to escape as quickly as possible. We finally got home and DH played Zelda (nerd alert!) until it was time to go to bed. During that time I tried to be good and had 2 glasses of fluids (one glass of water, one glass of lemonade) over 2 hours. I literally almost peed my pants multiple times, got nauseated and started having some bubbly in my throat (not the good kind, people) and massive, massive cramping around my bladder. Kind of like bad intestinal/period pains. Luckily I knew it was from drinking WATER. Not only that, but something is crazy up with Oregon water. It tastes like liquid frosting, no joke. Only to pregnant people (only to pregnant me actually), but who wants to drink that? Yuck yuck yuck.
Today I slept until 12:30pm (of course put in there trouble falling asleep and waking up to pee every two hours). I am still uber exhausted and trying my hardest to down fluids. I've had a little gingerale, a little of a coffee slushie and some gatorade. I pee a lot, but I am still not sure I drink enough. I asked a bunch of girls what they do to stay hydrated in my situation. They all said to get the smaller size gatorades and make yourself drink at least one a day. Eat ice pops, lots of water filled fruits (watermelon for example) and my favorite - get a sno cone machine. Hell yeah, I will eat sno cones all freaking day long! Mmmmm blue raspberry sno cone, yummm. So whenever we go get groceries, we are totally checking to see how much one costs. Because I'm down with that.
Oh yeah, my prune is Magoo. I don't eat prunes; I don't hear good things about them. Except this baby prune. Magoo is a whopping 1.5 inches today. Next week, we graduate to a lime.
PS: My MIL asked if I got my gender ultrasound yet and then (semi-jokingly. No for real a joke, but not really) told me if it wasn't a girl I was kicked out of the family. Later she shoved two stuffed chicks up her shirt and pretended to be pregnant with twins. I told her one better be a girl or she was in trouble:)
We could send Amanda out and she could be your personal paramedic, hooking up IV's, etc. LOL.