The loan on the house was approved today and we know the current owners have fixed the roof. We may be moving in as soon as 9 days - yikes! DH packed a total of two boxes today and I did none. I am avoiding it. The house is about 400 square feet larger than what we live in now - but it all went to a third bedroom and laundry area. The actual living space is pretty tiny. I'm finding myself incredibly stressed at where everything will fit and how we will get rid of things that we actually use. We'll have an extra bedroom, but it will be a nursery so it isn't like there is extra space there we can have. With only a small living room and a kitchen - not even a eat in kitchen - it kind of leaves communal space to be desired. I'm hoping we may be able to cheaply finish off the porch - it already has a roof over it - to make it a small eating area and sunroom. But that won't happen for quite sometime. It is beginning to feel claustrophobic.
On another somber note, we realized before Magoo gets here we will need to figure out how to afford a new-to-us car. My 15 year old Chevy isn't really cutting it anymore, the engine doesn't really rev up all the time and the engine trouble light has been on for almost 2 years. Mechanics can guess at three or four things that MAY be wrong with it, but fixing those will cost more than the car is worth. Plus trying to drag a kid in and out from a two door car isn't ideal either. Along with that, DH drives a car that a baby can't even be in. A sick fil, a new house, higher bills, new baby, new car? And me not working and DH without a guaranteed job. When did any of this sound like a smart idea again (okay so babies and ill fil's were obviously not ideas to consider one way or another. Those two are there to find strength, grow and survive, but all the rest)?
If it makes you feel any better, my first house was 980sq', had a dark scary basement with stone walls and tree trunks for supporting foundation and we had our second kid while living there.