Friday, May 4, 2012

A Week Later.

It has now been a week, a very very busy week, since moving into our first house. Unfortunately, Mom-to-Be (though I think such a thing doesn't exist, you are a mom from the moment you take on the task of being pregnant) didn't plan well. I didn't set aside enough food and I definitely did not set aside enough liquids. After our first load, we bought pizza for all the helpers and I scarfed down THREE pieces! I usually have trouble finishing one. And it was so greasy, the first slice, the grease dripped all over my hands, my dress and my pants. Yuck.

So the move happened. We still aren't out of our apartment and need to pay bills in two separate places. Stressful. And rebuild our savings. Because I got a little dehydrated and stressed (I don't adapt quickly or gracefully), my morning sickness came back fiercely. My in-laws came over to see the house Sunday night - and the washer/dryer they bought us - and brought over dinner for all of us. Very sweet of them. I didn't eat their dinner because it contained rice (note earlier post). I did however have a lot of vomit later that night. This will be TMI for many people, but I find it funny. My vomit consisted of soup, milkshake and gatorade and somehow was strangely thick. I hadn't finished my soup so DH had dumped it in the sink (forgetting we don't have a garbage disposal perhaps?) Needless to say, I throw up in trash cans and sinks - the thought of having my head in a toilet disgusts me enough to maintain throwing up non-stop. So he dumped thick vomit on the noodles, which of course plugged up the sink. And it was a lot of vomit. I gathered myself and offered to stick my hands in there to unplug, but DH put on a pair of latex gloves and did the dirty work while completely grossing himself out. It was hilarious. End of TMI.

I spent the next few days after the move barely moving from bed to couch. Trying to drink enough fluids and eat enough food. Wednesday, I had blood drawn and my thyroid was very high so my prescription was lowered. I also brought back some items from the apartment, got a package of super cute baby things (I will post pictures in a few minutes), and apparently pulled/tore a muscle in my leg because all the inactivity from hemorrhages and nausea made my muscles that weak. I know this because Thursday, I called to ask if consistant calf pain in one calf was normal in pregnancy because I was limping a little. Needless to say, I immediately had to go to the doctor, which turned into an immediate send to the hospital for a doppler on my leg to make sure there were no blood clots. Family history, pregnancy and a blood clot in my uterus put me at higher risk. But there was no blood clot. It is something with my muscle. Now I go back in on Monday to go over some blood test results that were off and have my 12 week follow up.

That's right I am TWELVE weeks (well I will be in 2 hours)! One more week and my first trimester is over. A third of the way done. Even better, we had our NT scan this morning as well. I heard from a girl yesterday who had a clot in her uterus like mine, we were two of the only ones not to bleed. She lost her baby because the placenta couldn't attach through the bleed. Needless to say, not what I needed to hear. Our genetic counselor was very lovely and told us she thought we had normal family history and nothing to worry about. Then the ultrasound. The wand went down, I saw my baby and she didn't move! I freaked out a little and then realized it was how the wand was being held, phew. Because Magoo thinks she is a rock star. The tech and the doctor had trouble getting good pictures because she moved WAY too much. Steady heart rate of 161. I could see the heart pumping in her chest, her bladder was empty (which means she recently peed into me), her brain was developed. The doctor said she looked as normal as normal could get. I also had to give blood and should get the results of that soon, which will tell me the statistical risk factors for different genetic problems that may arise. All-in-all it was a fairly good day. I just finished my jamba juice, we have a working washer and dryer. We have new locks on our doors and a stove coming on Tuesday (ugh - the previous owners did NOT care for their appliances in any form at all and some, like the stove, was left in basic non-working condition. Something we did not anticipate or would have been asked for some money back). Tonight DH is making me ham, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob and gravy. Sounds freaking delicious, but with the rate my stomach is two bites in I'll be full!

I have twelve more ounces of fluid I need to drink, a full bladder and we are waking up to see The Avengers hoping the theatre will be less crowded (for me, DH could care less). Then a weekend to unpack. I actually emptied a suitcase today. That is a big wow:)


  1. 1. Why a she? magoo could be he, right?
    2. Why can't I comment anonymously, maybe I dont' want u to know who I am.
    3. When I do sign in I still have to type in code to make sure I'm not a robot. I just signed in, does Google think a robot knows my username and password? Urgh!

  2. 1. Magoo could be a he, maybe the next post he will be. Are you rooting for a boy?
    2. You'd have to not be logged in OR click to leave the comment as a guest (but I would still know it is you).
    3. Because google likes to make some things annoying.
